Death of the mobile as a communication device - Mobile 2.0
In my personal opinion, at a time when the mobile is not even fully seen a stable receiver of 'content from the previous generation' (professional created and edited content) the rise in user generated content is making mobile's evolution as a device all the more challenging.
Where is the mobile headed to ? User generated content (UGC) is strong enough it simply means that the mobile starts playing a very important device for two activities which it is barely used today
- Content Generation - In the UGC world, in my understanding anything that happens around you in your day to day life is a possible content you can share and leverage. That being the case, what better than a personal device you can carry with you to capture that. Content capture devices which are both personal and mobile, such as audio and video recorders have existed for a long time but their usability in todays context has diminished to a large extern. You simply don't generate / capture content always for personal use !
- Content Dissemination - The immediate step once I have captured is how quickly can I share it with the world around me. Although the web is evolving as a platform in the true sense of the world, all I need is simply a handle to get on to the platform and share the content. What better suited than a mobile again.
Should the device manufacturers focus on this trend that I mention - most definitely yes, simply because the market is big enough
- A cursory look at reports pointing to the people who are 'generating content' the major source still remains secondary sources around the web. A mobile 2.0 device will give these content generators a great chance to scale to the next level to generate original content where ever feasible.
- Most of these users already might have a mobile 1.0 but there appears to be a great chance to elevate them to use a mobile 2.0 device (more suited in the web 2.0 world for content collection and dissemination).
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